Thursday, November 12, 2009

Does Anyone Else Have This Problem With Staffing Agencies ?

I have lived in different states over the years and have found this general attitude from agencies to be universal. I was under the impression that staffing agencies (temp agencies) services are to be utilized in the event if a person is between jobs, waiting to get an interview with for a permanent job or trying to gain experience in the workforce. The problem is everytime I call different agencies its the same story, "Email us your resume and if its a good fit with what our client wants, we'll send you some testing." After contacting them then its, "Your test scores were great, we'll call you no need to call us back as we have a high volume of calls coming in." Or when calling around asking if there is work available the agents have nasty attitudes and treat you like you are worth nothing more than the dirt on the bottom of their shoe. When are these staffing agents going to realize that if it weren't for people looking for work they would NOT have jobs? They should be eliminated.

Does Anyone Else Have This Problem With Staffing Agencies ?
I most definately agree. What I enjoy doing is turning the tables on them and asking them what they can do for me? I've also noticed that looking for a permanet placement through them can be difficult because of their HIGH priced buy out fees that are non-negociable. I can't tell you the number of possibilites I've lost because of that. AND they screw you over with unemployment if you're in between assignments... they take it to the utmost appeals court just to avoid paying you.... but if your willing to stick it out and fight you can get something in the end. Placement agencies are of the devil and belong in hell.
Reply:I found it to be 75/25!

75% of the time I came across bad staffing agencies that did not have a high clientele (relationships with employers). They treated everyone bad with blank promises. I also noticed when there are too many agencies in a town/city, there aren't enough jobs to go around either.

25% are reputable and have a good clientele. These are the ones that place you with fairly good employers. I can very honestly say that one of them got me placed with an excellent major bank. I am in permanently and have had promotions. I have no regrets. When I answer questions on this site I always emphasize that there are bad ones and good ones. Unfortunately, you really have to screen them yourself. (I agree with you that things should not be that way).
Reply:The people who pay (IE: employers) the staffing company make the criteria. They usually want fairly qualified people to justify paying the staffing agency.
Reply:I'm a temp and my agency is lovely. I think because it's a smaller organization, more of a boutique word-of-mouth kind of thing. I asked around and heard good things about this agency, and I've been with them on and off for five years. I also check in often and inquire about assignments, and follow up when necessary. Persistence goes a long way.
Reply:I HATE staffing companies. We have to use periodically where I work, but only for very menial jobs that last less than a week, and usually only one to two days.

I would never use them for anything more critical to our business and I've been handling HR here for nearly 10 years.
Reply:I agree with you as well. I notice temp agencies tell allot of fibs just to keep you hanging on. They try to tell you the company of your dreams is going to be available and if you can work the temp jobs until your dream job is ready for you. Well how long can you hold your breath? I wished I could find a true employment agency as where I come from, the employment agencies really do have the jobs they are posting an ad on. Here in Florida the jobs posted are not real. They just want you to bite the bait like a fish on a hook.

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